
Category: Bridges

Bridges of Budapest

Budapest’s bridges are not just connectors but emblematic symbols of unity and design. Spanning the majestic Danube, these architectural marvels link Buda to Pest, each telling tales of history, resilience, and artistic triumph. From the iconic Chain Bridge, an emblem of the city’s fortitude, to the modern Elisabeth Bridge, a testament to renewal, every bridge is a journey in itself. As you cross, pause to feel the pulse of the city and savor panoramic views, with the waters below and skyline beyond. Visit this page for all categories of Budapest attractions.

Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Chain Bridge (Széchenyi Lánchíd)
1013 Budapest, Friedrich Born rakpart
Open Now
Liberty Bridge (Szabadság híd)
Budapest, Salkaházi Sára rakpart
Margaret Bridge (Margit híd)
1023 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja
Open Now
Elisabeth Bridge (Erzsébet híd)
1056 Budapest, Duna utca
Open Now